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Savigyna, literally means, “self-defense” in Lithuanian. For "Lithuanian Traditional Savigyna (LTS)" is characterized by soft dance initial elements that become rigid martial movements. It is based on minimal power consumption, so it is useful for girls or for those who physically underweight, low-height, as well as the elderly. A person who is well versed in the system of self-defense, not only sensitively, feels the smallest nuances of his movement but also manages to squeeze the maximum benefit out of the situation.
The memories of the fighting skills of ancient Lithuanians have remained in national Lithuanian folklore - fairy tales, legends, and dances. Lithuania has saved more than 55 thousand descriptions of dances and rituals (thanks to the Lithuanian collector of folklore–Jonas Basanavichius).
Dr. Vladimiras Lisicynas purposefully has investigated Lithuanian folklore since 1968. He is the author of the project recreating ancient Lithuanian combat Arts: Lithuanian Folk Traditional Self-defense "Savigyna". The Lithuanian Savigyna Federation, where he is in the position of the president, is continuing to investigate this martial art as a national program.
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